A Trip to Battlesbridge

The day after the site visit, I went to Battlesbridge antique centre to look at things, and start building an aesthetic. I mainly looked at wooden things..

letter rack
photo frame
openy box
I very much wanted to have a play with this..
I also went to look at the penny arcade in one of the shops..
pile driver
steam engine

These things are a constant inspiration to me, especially any of them that spit out words like the fortune tellers. My chatbot is basically one of these with more options in it, as I haven't yet given it any conditional responses or proper memory. I would like to reference these in the design, but not too literally. I'd like people to make the connection maybe after, when they next see a fortune automat.

crystal fortue
fortune teller
fortune teller

This, you can't quite see through the glass, but it is an old roller-organ. a Gem. With several cylinders. It is absolutely beautiful.

gem roller organ
And here is the program of a menu where we stopped for lunch.