you go on without me

In 2005 The Society of Wonders performed a ceremony with Stacked Wonky Dance Company to close the Museum of Childhood for renovations. While working on this project I became fascinated by the museum's large store of objects not on display.

The aesthetics and emotional weight of those (mostly donated) artefacts of childhood in storage continued to inform my work long after the event.

Invited back in 2009 for one of the museum's "Funky Fridays" I was keen to look again at the store, the care of those sleeping toys, and the reasons why some objects in our lives are treasured and some are not.

Following interviews with curator Catherine Howell, we selected a group of nine toys from the store. Visitors to the museum could choose just one artefact to be brought ceremonially to the museum floor. The normally unseen object was displayed in pride of place for a day and a night to the public - and the other toys in the museum - before being returned quietly to its secure and ordered rest.

Activities inspired by the objects were run for children and adults by myself and the museum's own creative team, allowing these usually hidden toys to become briefly famous within the microculture of the building.

the toys
the winner
cuckoo toys
concerts for toys
field recordings
tours of the museum store
3d content
Much of the documentation of this project is in red/cyan 3d. This can be viewed using glasses like the ones pictured above. For more information, click here.
the museum in 3d

"You Go On without me". Made by L H Trevail, Catherine Howell, Nathan Firth, Caroline Chinn, Betony May, Haz Chowdhury, Claudia Duffy, Julia Sporsen, French For Cartridge, Lesley Stone, Aas, Georgie, Esther, Anna, and many other staff and visitors of the V&A Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green London.

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